Menstruation can start at any time in the school, college, university or outside. For this, collect the pad or napkin and go straight to the bathroom and take it.
To avoid the risk, it is also good to leave the menstrual cycle in the last month on this month in an extra-sanitary pad bag near that day.
It is good that, there is a cloth in the dark color. The normal diet should be eaten during this time. If, there is an empty stomach, the weakness will be more tight. So, bloodshed will be more.
To avoid anemia, it should be taken more than enough to enrich the diet. Talk fruits, vegetables are better to eat. Try to stay away from tea, coffee. Eat more calories containing calcium. Avoid excess salt as much as possible.
During this time light pain may be felt. The uterus contractions and expansion of the cervix came out. Gargle with a hot water for at least once a day.
Exercise light. You can take light hot water. Painkillers can take medication. When, the pain is likely to occur.
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