There are many people who occasionally suffer from digestive problems. This problem can increase if you have serious problems like diarrhea. Among those who have been suffering from digestion for a long time, the risk of constipation is very high.
According to experts, the amount of fiber should be increased in the diet to eliminate this problem. Also following some home remedies can help you get rid of digestive problems. In our report today, our readers have long been concerned about what to do if they suffer from digestive problems -
1) Eat a piece of raw yellow on an empty stomach every morning. Get rid of this problem.
2) Boiling apples and eating that juice also increases digestive power.
3) Chew the cardamom regularly.
4) Eat warm water on an empty stomach daily.
5) Cumin boiled water increases digestive capacity.
6) It is better to not break too much between meals.
7) Papaya leaves increase the digestive capacity. Eat papaya leaves regularly and eat water.
8) Fast food should be excluded from the list of foods.
Courtesy- Sifat Abdullah
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